Monday, June 15, 2009

Falling off the wagon...

Well, the past few days have been filled with a lot of unhealthy eating. My youngest brother is in town, and we have done quite a lot of dining out. Middle Eastern food (x2), Indian, Mexican (x2), Peruvian-- not especially light cuisines (is there such a thing as a light cuisine? I don't really think so, though some lend themselves to dieting better than others). I tried not to overeat, and mostly succeeded, but I certainly ate a lot of junk.

However, I did manage to fit in some exercise every day of his visit. Friday we took a 15-mile bike ride on the beach, Saturday we went to yoga together, and Sunday we took a 2 hike in Franklin Canyon. Today I won't be able to make it to the gym as I have to rush home to take my brother to the train station, but I wore sensible shoes to work so I can walk up the massive hill outside my building over my lunch.

The past few weeks have not been especially successful as far as Sonoma Dieting goes--I have had a lot of mealtime events, plus my brother's visit-- but I have managed to maintain my weight (no substantial loss over the last... 20 days probably). I am also proud that every single meal I have had on my own or with Bill has been a part of my diet; I haven't taken the fact that I have 'had' to slack off as permission to slack off for every meal. So no, I'm not doing especially well, but I am hanging in there just fine.


SheilaE said...

i think you are doing awesome!

Book Glutton said...

You did go the gym today!! You've been doing so well, you desreve a break!

Peach Pit said...

Excellent work! Family visits are tough for me, diet-wise, so I can sympathize: when my fam was here for graduation, we ate tons of BBQ and cake with dark-chocolate fondant. Delicious/decadent :)